Medically Reviewed by Jodi Mabry – NP
Perhaps you have been using heroin, but don’t really see it as an issue in your life that would require heroin addiction treatment. Sometimes, it is hard to see that there is a problem until you step back and look at the bigger picture. We at Asheville Detox need you to understand that there is no such thing as casual heroin use, as heroin use and addiction go hand-in-hand. Today, we urge you to take an honest look at your life. See if these 5 signs that you need rehab for heroin addiction resonate with you.

1. Heroin Is Changing the Way That You Live Your Life
Are you growing tired of always having something to hide? Physically, you may always have to be thinking about concealing the needle marks on your arms. Wearing long-sleeved shirts every day, even in the summertime can make anyone grow weary of the charade.
If you live with your family or anyone else that you don’t want to find out about your habit, you also have to constantly be thinking about where you have hidden all of your paraphernalia. If someone finds your stash of needles, pipes, and spoons, they will know you have become a heroin addict.
Also, you may not even really care anymore about taking good care of things like your health and personal hygiene, because your number one priority is making sure that you get your fix.
2. Heroin is Damaging Your Personal Relationships
How do you feel about the person that you have become lately? Are you still able to say that you are a good friend that others can depend on? Chances are, if heroin has gotten ahold of you, the answer to this question is not really. When your focus has shifted to providing for an addiction, friendships get easily tossed aside.
You are likely spending a lot of time alone, isolating yourself so that others won’t find out that you do heroin. Or, you are hanging out with the wrong kind of people, just because they have the same habit that you do.
How about your work relationships? Have you been showing up regularly for work, or have the ups and downs of heroin addiction caused your employment status to become not as secure as it once was? Hopefully, you are still making money from gainful employment, and not stealing, borrowing, or selling your possessions to support your heroin addiction. If you are, this is just another indication that your situation has gotten out of your control.
3. Heroin is Taking a Toll on Your Health
The health complications that you may take on from using heroin may be life-threatening. Overdose is the most obvious threat, and miscarriage for women also comes to mind. When needles are shared, HIV and hepatitis are easily contracted.
When you use heroin long-term, the organs in your body become compromised. Your kidneys, liver, and heart all are at risk of becoming diseased. In addition to this, the additives in heroin can clog your arteries and veins, which may lead to strokes, heart attacks, and permanent organ damage.
Since heroin damages your immune system, your body becomes unable to fight off infections. This means you are getting sick more often.
How do you feel, physically when you are not high?
4. You Experience Uncomfortable Withdrawals When You Run Out of Heroin
Perhaps there have been times when you haven’t had the money to buy heroin. Or, maybe you have decided to cut back on your own to try and get control of your addiction. When you do, it is only natural for your body to go through uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms as a result. You may feel like you are coming down with the flu. Here are some symptoms that you will likely experience:
- Feeling agitated or anxious
- Your muscles ache
- Your eyes are tearing
- You can’t sleep
- Runny nose
- Sweating
- Yawning
- Nausea or vomiting
- Goosebumps
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal cramps
- Dilated pupils
5. You Have Overdosed on Heroin Before
If you have overdosed on heroin before and you lived to tell about it, that has to be the biggest sign of all that it is time to seek out professional help for your heroin addiction. Luck isn’t even a big enough of a word to describe what you have experienced by surviving.
Every time you do heroin, you risk an overdose. This is because you never know what additives your drug dealer has mixed in with the heroin. Some additives, such as fentanyl can kill you within minutes. Without conducting a lab test, you have no way of knowing what is mixed in with yours.
An overdose can also easily occur if you have tried to quit using heroin for some time and then you relapse. You try and take the same dose that you took the last time before you quit, thinking that you will be okay. However, this time, you won’t be okay because your body has been without it for so long.
Even if you have never overdosed on heroin before, don’t wait until it happens to run in the other direction from it.

Heroin Addiction Treatment at Asheville Detox
Let’s face it, you know deep down in your heart that it is time for you to receive professional heroin addiction treatment. We at Asheville Detox are ready to help you overcome your addiction to heroin. You have seen the signs, and we believe you are strong enough to walk away from heroin, with our assistance.
No matter how serious you think your addiction is, it is important that you quit now before it is too late. Our team of friendly and discreet detox clinicians will stand beside you every step of the way. All you need to do is contact us today and we will arrange everything. We look forward to hearing from you!