Do you have a family member that is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol? If so, he or she may have been assigned a social worker to their case. You may be curious about what role an addiction social worker plays, and what impact they are going to have on your family.
Social workers often act as the intermediary between the addicted individual and treatment center outlets such as Asheville Detox. They work in concert with different partnerships in order to bring their client the finest resources that they require for healing their addiction. Social workers take the wellbeing of the entire family into consideration when developing the treatment plan for the addicted individual.Â

Social Workers Help Treat Addiction Through Counseling
The key element in beginning to heal any family unit that has existing drug or alcohol addiction problems is through the clinical counseling efforts of a qualified social worker. Substance abuse issues run deep, and generally do not develop instantaneously.Â
Instead, they are comprised of many different elements that may include past trauma, for example. Through the help of clinical counseling from their social worker, clients are given an outlet to discuss their personal history and how it has impacted their path to addiction.Â
They Begin by Providing an Initial Assessment of the Situation
During the initial assessment, the social worker will delve deep into their family history. This is done so that they can understand the extent of the addiction, how often the individual is using alcohol or drugs, and reveal anything in their lives that may be triggering them to want to use.
At this time, any emotional problems, family issues and mental conditions are uncovered, which many times make substance abuse issues worse. This is why it is important to thoroughly understand the full picture of what is going on.
Also, during this meet-up, social workers help the family by ensuring that they have proper housing and food to eat. If necessary, the social worker provides them with the needed resources.
Social Workers Help Develop Treatment Plans
The next step for a social worker to treat addiction within a family is to develop an individualized treatment plan for them. This plan may involve many different people such as healthcare providers and other specialists who all work together with a common goal in mind.
One of the key elements of any treatment plan given out by a social worker is individual counseling. If a client is having trouble sticking to their recovery plan and rebounds back to drugs or alcohol, the social worker is there to help uncover why it happened and help set them up for success the next time around.
During the implementation of their treatment plans, social workers evaluate the progress of their client to determine if any changes need to be made. If needed, additional therapy may be recommended such as family or group therapy, and the frequency of therapy sessions may also be adjusted.
The aim of substance abuse treatment is to help the client identify toxic influences in their life, make intelligent decisions and be happy for even the smallest gains they make in their life. The ultimate goal of a social worker is to help the addict regain control over their circumstances, and eventually live a life that is free of alcohol and drugs.
Social Workers Assist Struggling Families in Need of Help
Social workers are connected within a network of helpful resources such as human services programs that many people simply are not aware of. Many families who are dealing with addiction are also living in poverty at the same time. In cases such as these, the resources that a social worker can provide are simply invaluable. Clients may be referred to food banks or given assistance with housing.
Social workers also work hand-in-hand with families who are going through situations such as domestic abuse, exploitation, and prostitution for example. Social workers can even assist those who have criminal records to obtain gainful employment by being a personal reference.Â
The Addiction Social Worker: A Well of Support
As mentioned, the addiction social worker is someone who has all the connections. He or she is the link between the client, the family, and the social service. Compassionate, yet persistent, they possess a deep knowledge of the nature of addiction and how it affects the lives of everyone involved.Â
There are several responsibilities that every addiction social worker shares:
- Helping the addicted person and working with the involved familyÂ
- Providing counseling for a marriage that is falling apart
- Helping those who are homeless or who need housing assistance
- Assisting with financial troubles and job loss
- Keeping track of the medical treatment of an addicted individual, ensuring that they are getting better
As you can see, the social worker has the welfare of everyone in mind and all aspects of their well-being. This is one of the many attributes that make being a social worker so special. Whether the people involved are ready to get help or not, they are going to receive it. Reporting to a social worker on a regular basis provides addicted individuals with a sense of accountability for their actions. Progress can be monitored, and baby steps can be celebrated each time that the client meets with their social worker. Â

Asheville Detox is Here for You
No matter whether your personal struggle with addiction is with drugs or is with alcohol, we at Asheville Detox have dealt with it all before. We want you to be in a place that both you and your social worker are comfortable with, and has a stellar reputation. We will be happy to speak directly with your social worker if needed, to get you enrolled at our treatment center. Contact one of our friendly and discreet professionals today and let’s get your life back on track.