If you are a marijuana smoker, you might already be familiar with the term, delta-8 THC. You may have even tried it. However, you may not be aware of the dangers of it, primarily due to nonregulation. Legally snacking on laced gummy bears that get you high whenever you feel the need is just asking for trouble.
We at Asheville Detox understand how tempting it can be to give in to peer pressure or to be curious and try something new. However, we encourage you to think twice before doing so. Is it worth losing a job over? If your employer decides to give you a drug test, are you prepared to explain what you have been up to? Will delta-8 show up on a drug test? Read on to find out.
What Is Delta-8?
Delta-8 THC is a psychoactive material found in the cannabis plant, of which hemp and marijuana are located. Since only small amounts are found in the plant, concentrated amounts are manufactured out of hemp-derived cannabidiol, or CBD. It contains intoxicating effects that are similar to delta-9 THC, which is the element that is responsible for getting you high when you smoke marijuana.

How Does It Compare to Regular Marijuana?
One might wonder why there is such a growing demand for delta-8. Perhaps it is because people are just starting to hear about it and they want to give it a try. People who have chosen to smoke marijuana may be curious about trying delta-8 to see how its high compares to the delta-9 THC that they are used to smoking. Both forms give you a euphoric feeling, however, the high that delta-8 produces is considered to be milder. Some refer to delta-8 as “diet weed” as its effects such as paranoia, anxiety, and drowsiness are lessened.
Is Delta-8 Legal?
In most states, delta-8 is legal to use. This is likely part of the reason why it is growing in popularity. The reason it is legal in most states is that it is extracted primarily from hemp-derived CBD, which is legal to farm anywhere in the United States. However, safety concerns with delta-8 have caused it to become banned in about a dozen states, such as New York and Colorado. The main reason is that delta-8 products may contain high levels of THC as they remain unregulated.
Is Delta-8 Addictive?
Although there is minimal scientific evidence to support the addictive potential of Delta-8 THC, it is believed to be less habit-forming than Delta-9 THC due to its weaker psychoactive effects. Nonetheless, psychological dependence on any substance that brings about feelings of joy and delight is still achievable, so it is important to take caution when consuming Delta-8 THC. It is wise to remember that consuming cannabis and any of its derivatives can lead to unfavorable consequences such as dependence if abused in large doses or for a long time. Therefore, it is suggested to use all substances in a responsible and moderate manner and to be mindful of the laws and regulations of the area.
Where Is Delta-8 Found?
Because it is legal in most states, there is no need to search for delta-8 on a local street corner from a drug dealer. However, the drawback with this is that pretty much anybody can get their hands on delta-8 THC. It is sold over-the-counter at gas stations and convenience stores. You can find it online or at weed and vape shops. Delta-8 THC is sold in the form of gummies, candies, edibles, drinks, oils, tinctures, and vaping pens to name a few.
Is It Safe?
The short answer is no, it is not. Delta-8 THC products are not approved by the FDA for safety. One concern is that there is variability in the different formulas of products, as well as issues with product labeling. The concentration of Delta-8 THC within each product differs, and some products are simply labeled as containing “hemp.” This may mislead some into believing that the consumable has no psychoactive properties.
Also, some Delta-8 products are being marketed as having medical uses, though the FDA has not substantiated these claims. This is of great concern as some people with serious diseases may choose to use Delta-8 products over medically-approved therapies to treat their conditions.
In addition to the above concerns, the FDA has received reports of people having adverse effects to Delta-8 THC food products. Many required a visit to the hospital for treatment. Their symptoms included hallucinations, vomiting, trouble standing, and loss of consciousness.
National Poison Control centers have also received hundreds of exposure cases of delta-8 THC products over the past year. Of these 660 cases, 77% of them involved pediatric patients who were less than 18 years old.

Side Effects to Watch out for
If you make the decision to try delta-8, pay attention to the sensations in your body. You should expect to have feelings of calmness and/or euphoria, but if you have any of the following symptoms, you should contact your doctor right away:
- Confusion or anxiety
- Drowsiness
- Slow heart rate
- Fast heart rate
- Feeling numb
- Low blood pressure
Should children or pets consume any delta-8 products, get them immediate medical care.
Will Delta-8 Show up On a Drug Test?
Yes, it will. Though drug tests often look for traces of delta-9 THC, experts agree that having delts-8 THC inside of your system could definitely show up as a positive for THC. Commercial urine drug tests don’t have a way of differentiating between the two types, so if you know that you have a drug test coming up, it is best to avoid both types of cannabis. Delta-8 THC can be detected in a urine test, a saliva test, a blood test, and a hair follicle test.
How Long Does Delta-8 Stay In Your System?
You also may be wondering how long delta-8 THC stays in your system. This depends largely on how much of it you have been taking. Here are general timelines of how long delta-8 can be detected in your system by drug tests.
- Urine test:
- One-time use: 3 days
- A couple times a week: up to a week
- Daily use: 10 to 15 days
- Daily heavy use: 30-60 days
- Blood test: Cannabis can only be detected in your blood if it’s been used within the past 2 to 12 hours. However, some tests have found cannabis in individuals blood 30 days after their last use.
- Saliva test: Cannabis can be detected in saliva up to 24 hours after smoking or consuming THC. However, other tests have found that chronic use can be detected in saliva up to 72 hours after last use.
- Hair test: Cannabis can be detected in hair up to 90 days after last use, since cannabinoid can latch onto your hair follicles.

I Tested Positive For Delta-8: Now What?
If you have tested positive for Delta-8, it is important to speak with a medical professional to determine the next steps. They may recommend further testing or treatment, and may also advise you on any legal or employment-related issues that may arise as a result of the positive test. It’s also important to understand that Delta-8 is not legal in all states, and in some states, it may be classified as a controlled substance, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the laws of your state. Additionally, it’s important to be honest with your employer or any other organizations you may be affiliated with about your positive test results.
Contact Asheville Detox for Help
Can you take an honest look at yourself today, and admit that you have a problem with addiction? Whether you use delta-8 THC or some other drug or alcohol to make it through the day, the time is right to let it go. We at Asheville Detox are specially trained to guide you down the path to sobriety. Contact us today and worry no more about how you are going to pass a drug test.