Getting over benzo addiction can be a challenging hurdle in an individual’s life. Going through withdrawals and trying your very best not to relapse takes courage and commitment. Thankfully, there are many positive ways that you can spend your time that will help take your mind off of using benzos. We at Asheville Detox would like to share a few of these activities with you.
Meditation or Yoga
One of the most beneficial ways that you can spend your time is to use it to clear your mind. You can do this through the practice of meditation/mindfulness or through yoga as well.
When you meditate, all you need to do is focus on your breath, in and out. Do your best to think about nothing. Empty your mind, if you can. Allow your cares and worries to fade away and when they reenter your mind, don’t punish yourself. Simply remain in the present moment, without judgment.

Meditation is an excellent activity for helping to overcome addiction because it helps to lower your stress, improve your focus, calm brain chatter, and helps you to come to terms with your emotions.
The spiritual practice is much the same when you do yoga. The difference is that a physical element of movement is added to it. You can improve your strength, balance, and flexibility in addition to benefiting from all of the spiritual aspects of meditation.
Strength Training
Strength training is sometimes better known as weightlifting or weight training. It may be done with free weights, weight machines, suspension equipment, or by using your own body weight and the force of gravity. Regardless of which method you choose, the goal is to stimulate muscle growth.
The first benefit in regards to how it can help you overcome benzodiazepine dependence is that it has been shown to significantly boost your mood and reduce anxiety levels. Strength training is also known to increase your self-esteem and gives you a more positive body image. Anything that can boost your mental health is of benefit to you in this regard.
Other benefits of strength training include increased muscle strength, calories burn more efficiently, a decrease in abdominal fat, you may appear leaner, your risk of injury is lowered, your heart health improves, your blood sugar levels are better managed, you become more flexible, your bones become stronger, your brain health improves, and as you age it promotes a better quality of life.
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise is an activity that really gets your heart pumping, such as fast walking, bicycling, or swimming. When you participate in aerobic exercise, the amount of oxygen in your blood is at its highest. While your bloodstream carries away waste products from your muscles, your brain begins to release natural, painkilling endorphins that give you an overall sense of well-being.
More than just a way to keep excess pounds away, aerobic exercise will just help your body feel better. Your immune system becomes activated, which helps to protect you against colds and the flu. Aerobic exercise is yet another way to naturally boost your mood, fight depression and promote relaxation. When nighttime comes, it will even help you drift off to sleep easier.
There is something inarguably therapeutic about getting outside in the fresh air and sunshine and just digging in the dirt. According to Psychology Today, research shows that gardening has a positive effect on our mental health. One reason may be that it brings out the nurturer in all of us, and affirms our connection to all living things.
Working in the garden can also be quite tiring if you are tending to a large plot of land. This becomes a way to burn off excess time and energy that otherwise might have been spent watching TV or fantasizing about your addiction. Whether you are taking care of a few potted plants or an entire vegetable garden, spending time in the garden is definitely not wasted.
You don’t have to be Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen to decide that you would like to start having an affinity for cooking. Particularly, if you spend too much time and money dining out, learning how to cook can be advantageous for you and for your family. Cooking keeps your mind and your hands busy, and provides you with a reward at the end for all of your efforts.
When you spend time cooking, you can prepare a meal for your family. Spending time to sit down at a meal with your family and friends is important to everyone’s well-being. It sure beats eating a microwaveable TV dinner alone. Cooking can help you to become a more social person, which may make you happier. In addition to this, you stimulate the creative regions of your brain, which is always a good thing.

Join a Sports Team
Teamwork! You don’t have to go through life alone. There are many reasons why joining a sports team can be of positive benefit to your recovery physically, and mentally. Exercise of any kind has been proven to promote a more positive frame of mind, as feel-good endorphins are released throughout your body. No matter what sport catches your interest, joining a sports team is a smart move.
Team sports are full of satisfying challenges and physical distractions that are perfect for helping you overcome your addiction. They are full of social interaction and teach hard work and determination to everyone involved. Team sports are a great place to seek out lasting friendships and positive experiences.
Overcome a Benzodiazepine Dependence with the Help of Asheville Detox
Are you in the midst of struggling with a benzodiazepine dependence and are in need of help? We at Asheville Detox are on your side. Whether you are just thinking of giving up benzos or you are having difficulty with your journey, we are here to help you. Contact our team of friendly and helpful professionals today and we will guide you toward a life without the need for drugs.