Methamphetamine is one of the most abused substances in the United States, with over 2.5 million people over 12 using it in 2021. Quitting meth use can lead to some uncomfortable symptoms, but it’s the only real way to get meth out of your system and begin recovery. Various blogs and articles claim you can quickly remove meth from your system using detox drinks you can make at home or buy online.
This article analyzes the validity of meth detox drinks, why you should avoid them, and why medically assisted detox programs are the best option.
What Are Meth Detox Drinks?
Meth detox drinks usually advertise the claim they can effectively remove meth from your body, so you can skip withdrawal symptoms or pass an upcoming drug test. These drinks are accompanied by diets, nutritional supplements, saunas, fasting, shampoos, chelating agents (metal removers), and other “detox” kits claiming to do the same. They’ll even back this claim by slapping an expensive price tag on it, even though their products are non-refundable and have disclaimers stating they can’t be held reliable if they don’t work. That’s because they don’t.
Most drug tests are designed to detect the chemical makeup of meth and the specific metabolites that form as your body breaks it down. So unless you change how your body chemically functions, there’s no way to instantly cleanse your system from meth or any other substance. The only way to detox from meth is to let your body naturally remove it from your system.
Read more: Risks of Meth Abuse for People with Schizophrenia

Why They’re Not The Solution
Some of these products have disclaimers stating that the FDA has not reviewed or approved their products, and yet you’ll see them online selling up to $150. If you put something in your body to flush another substance out, it’s best to know it’s safe and approved by reputable organizations. But, some blogs mention meth detox drinks made of natural materials like pineapple juice, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice.
Pineapple juice contains bromelain, which can help break down metabolites in your body, and vitamin C, which can boost your liver’s defense against free radicals and oxidative stress from meth use. Apple cider vinegar is high in potassium and enzymes, and it can help control blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation in the body caused by meth use or brought on during meth withdrawal. Lemon juice is also rich in vitamin C, which can help fight free radicals, and pectin fiber, which can help during withdrawal if individuals struggle with eating enough.
These natural juices are more trustworthy than mysterious detox formulas, but they won’t remove meth from your system completely. They might help speed up the detox process and keep you hydrated, but it usually depends on an individual’s health, age, sex, and level of addiction.
Read more: At Home Drug Detox: A Definitive Guide

How Long Does Meth Stay In Your System?
The time it takes for meth to leave your system usually depends on how much and how often you use it. Meth will probably leave the body quicker in someone who smokes or injects meth only once. But if they’re abusing it more often, they can increase the amount of time it takes to leave their body. You can think of it as the more toxins you put in your system, the longer it takes to get them all out. Here are the average meth detection times.
- Urine drug test: Meth can be detected in your urine up to three days after the last dosage. Methamphetamine also metabolizes into amphetamines, which can be detected for up to five days. Chronic meth use can be detected in your urine for up to a week or more.
- Blood and saliva drug tests: These drug tests aren’t as common as urine tests since meth can become undetectable within 72 hours in your blood and saliva.
- Hair test: Hair tests can detect meth use up to 90 days after the last dose. These tests are also less common and usually used in forensic or research studies.
Why Professional Drug Detox Works
Detoxing from meth at a professional drug and alcohol detox center is the best way to get meth out of your system. It can still be detected in your urine during the first few days, but a professional and medically supervised program can help prevent the number one reason why meth use continues: cravings.
During the first few days of detox, once you’ve thrown away your glass pipe or tossed your meth, the cravings to use are going to feel unmanageable, even though they are. Your body and brain can be likened to panicking without its feel-good support substance, and the urge to relieve the discomfort and anxiety is why most at-home meth detox drinks fail. These detox kits can’t provide the psychological and physical support you’ll need during meth withdrawal symptoms.
Going to a professional detox center can help you overcome the fear of detoxing, knowing you’ll be supervised by trained nurses, doctors, and detox specialists. They can monitor your physical health while you detox, administer medication to ease pain or discomfort, and provide the necessary motivational support.

Contact Asheville Detox Center
If you or someone you know wants to detox from meth and overcome addiction, contact Asheville Detox Center. Our detox team is ready to help you during one of the important times of your life. We’ll monitor your vital signs and withdrawal symptoms during detox, so you can focus on resting, healing, and staying comfortable. Once you finish detox, we can help you with the next steps of substance abuse treatment, pairing you up with one of our addiction centers or aftercare partnerships. Don’t risk your sobriety on shady detox drinks. Call Asheville Detox Center today.