What is a dab? Have you ever heard of this way to consume marijuana? If you have, chances are that you are already a marijuana smoker.
How do you feel about your marijuana habit? Can you put it down when you need to, or are you able to admit to yourself that you have become addicted? We at Asheville Detox Center are not here to stand in judgment of you of your choices. Today, we simply want to educate you on something you may or not be aware of, which is called dabbing.
What is a Dab?
Dabbing refers to smoking high concentrations of THC, which is the psychoactive chemical found in marijuana. When you smoke a dab, you are smoking butane hash oil or BHO. It is the gummy substance often called the “wax, amber, or budder” that is the end result that is found after pouring butane over marijuana.
When the butane is poured over the marijuana, THC is extracted from the plant and dissolves into the butane. What is left behind is a gummy-textured product that is packed with high amounts of THC.
In fact, compared to smoking marijuana, dabs contain about 80% more THC. When you smoke a dab, it is about 4 times stronger than smoking a joint. As a result, you receive an immediate, intense high, rather than one that gradually develops.

So What is a Dab and How Does it Work?
Dabs are smoked at an extremely high temperature, in a glass bong that is commonly known as an “oil rig.” After the dab is placed on a “nail,” it is heated and the vapor is inhaled.
A dab can also be smoked by using hash oil in a vaping pen. Smoking a dab in this way is becoming increasingly popular among teens, as no smoke or telltale odor is produced.
BHO can also be added to food or drink. Edibles that contain BHO make it possible for individuals to eat highly concentrated amounts of THC. The high from ingesting it in this manner has caused issues with people passing out and having trouble breathing.
Dabbing is growing in popularity, perhaps due to the fact that medical marijuana has become legal in several states, and people may assume that it is safe. Although you only need one puff to get high, this does not make dabbing a safe activity.
What is a Dab and What Makes It Harmful?
What is a dab and is it harmful? Dabbing carries higher risks than smoking marijuana. First of all, it causes you to have a higher tolerance and more severe symptoms of withdrawal. Secondly, it can cause serious health risks such as a rapid heartbeat and loss of consciousness. You can blackout, feel crawling sensations on your skin and even experience psychotic episodes that include hallucinations and paranoia.
Being exposed to high concentrations of THC at one time increases your risk for physical dependence, and are more likely to produce undesirable symptoms as mentioned above, than smoking a marijuana joint alone.
Another danger of dabbing is that it exposes you to high levels of toxins that include carcinogenic compounds, due to the fact that it is created with very high temperatures. These harmful chemicals include methacrolein and benzene. Rust and off-gassing solder are also a concern. These cannabis concentrates are also known to be contaminated with pesticides and residual solvents.
People who produce dabs are particularly in danger. This is because lighter fluid is needed to make them. Heating up lighter fluid to cook marijuana is not a particularly safe activity. Any leftover butane gas in the air just needs a spark and an explosion can easily occur. The dangers of making dabs are similar to that of having a meth lab.

Is It Possible to Overdose on Dabs?
Although an overdose isn’t likely fatal, it is possible to overdose on dabs. Here are some of the side effects to watch out for:
- Becoming Paranoid
- Having a Panic Attack
- Anxiety
- Having Hallucinations
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Increased Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
What to Expect When You Quit Using Dabs
Now that we have learned what is a dab and explored the possible risks, it’s important to discuss the topic of detoxing from dabs.
If you use dabs, you may expect to feel symptoms of marijuana withdrawal once you decide to quit. This is because if you have been using dabs, you have been experiencing a more potent form of marijuana if you will. Your body will need to take time to withdraw from the THC it has gotten used to having.
When you are detoxing from marijuana, you should expect to be irritable, anxious, or worried. You also might feel depressed and restless. You also may experience some of the following physical symptoms:
- Chills
- Fever
- Headache
- Stomach pain
- Being sweaty
- Being shaky
- Insomnia
- Tiredness during the day
- Decrease in appetite or losing weight

Signs of Marijuana Use Disorder
Many people falsely believe that marijuana is not addictive. Do you or someone that you know have a problem with marijuana? Here are some telltale signs that there is a marijuana addiction going on:
- Stopping other activities that you like to do because you want to use marijuana instead
- Being unable to keep up with responsibilities because of regular marijuana use
- Continuing to use marijuana even though it is causing trouble with relationships
- Using marijuana in larger amounts than you intended to
- Craving marijuana
Get Help for Your Marijuana Addiction at Asheville Detox
Being addicted to marijuana is just like being addicted to any other type of drug or alcohol for that matter. You become a slave to it. You think of it when you wake up in the morning, and when you go to bed at night. During the day, you are doing it or wish that you could be doing it.
If you have been dabbing to try to get higher off of marijuana than you have been before, now is the time to let it go. Dabbing is dangerous on so many levels. We at Asheville Detox are here to stand by you and support you through this positive change you will be making for your life. Contact us or call today and move toward having a cleaner body and clearer mind.